Randall Children's Hospital
Project Challenge — Transform a cramped, outdated hospital wing into a 334,000- square-foot, nine-story building dedicated to pediatric care. Four times the size of the former facility, Randall Children’s Hospital at Legacy Emanuel in Portland, Oregon, aimed to deliver a new home for healing—where kids still get to be kids—and an environment designed for families. The hospital follows The Green Guide for Health Care™ and incorporates sustainable design features throughout the building and landscaping. Keep scrolling to continue reading.
Download the Randall Children’s Hospital case study.

Our Solution — Skyline worked with ZGF to incorporate uplifting Pacific Northwest color palettes as well as customized artwork into relaxing spaces for children and families. Using our AST™ Digital Glass Printing and Eco-etch® processes, we applied more than 50 graphic designs on glass, matching specific Pantone® colors and creating multi-layered art to assist in wayfinding and branding. Inspired by native wildlife and Northwest geography, these colorful, whimsical designs create a soothing atmosphere that promotes comfort and healing.

Result — Even with the complexity of multiple techniques and designs, we employ quality craftsmanship in every piece we produce. For Legacy Emanuel, this means kid-friendly animals and playful shapes on glass that help improve the health of patients and enhance the quality of care.

With a project as large and complex as Randall Children’s Hospital, we rely on collaboration, creativity, and organization. It also helps to have a long-standing relationship with the client, and dedicated staff driven to ensure customer satisfaction. Because Skyline had worked with ZGF in the past, we knew that their projects can be graphically intensive. And they trusted our expertise to implement their artwork and vision. Many companies that decorate architectural glass don’t have the expertise—or the patience—to handle this kind of complexity. Variations abounded with multi-layered artwork plus numerous colors combined with several glass patterns and techniques. To stay organized, the sample submittal process is key. From the artwork and the glazier’s callouts on glass we created samples that incorporate Pantone colors. “With more than 170 samples we continually had to tweak and dial, says Fred Hodges, Project Manager. “We did a lot of homework, cross-referencing artwork with glass.” To keep it straight, we have checkpoints in place—from general contractor to the design team and the glazier, and each sample is tracked to keep everyone on the same page. Even with a large quantity of pieces to produce we never rush to get it out the door: We put eyes on every piece. And if it’s not done correctly, we wouldn’t ship it out. With competent project support from graphics, production, and management, we were able to translate concepts to glass, creating a healing environment that places families at the center of care.